Happy 1 year anniversary

Love is not a simple candlelight and roses...
Love is day-to-day living, taking time, making time to be there, with open arms and giving heart,
Love is the special life we share..

Another year, another tear of happiness. Congratulations, may we never be apart for what we've found the only cure for loneliness. Togetherness was born within our hearts. I remember when he said the words "I will" How the joy i felt just filles my eyes with tears. United then and united still. May your vows be blessed through never ending years. Happy anniversary to us,today. May all our dreams come true. May we always live in ecstacy and may all of our endeavors find success.

The Day I Met You, when i met you i found out what true love was. Still today it amazes me what it really does. I've always been in love with you even when we were apart. From the moment I saw you i knew you'd always have my heart. I knew with all that I am one day I'd be your wife. And when that day came I had a meaning to my life. We've been through so much and it hasn't even been a year. Our love keeps growing stronger and stronger I think that's pretty clear. Thank you sayang for loving me and sticking by my side. When I think of you, I am filled with so much pride :D

Years are going on more and more, sometimes we are happy, sometimes not. But one thing is sure, i can't stay one second without you, i love you ..

Just looking into your eyes makes me smile, your warm hug calms me down, your tender kiss makes me want to fly, your touch makes me feel like i'm on closed nine. Just being with you feels like falling love over and over again .. 

I've found a guy who calls me beautiful instead of hot, who calls me back when hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to my heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch me sleep .. Wait for the boy who kisses my forehead,who wants to show me off to the world when I'm in sweats, who holds my hand in front of his friends, who thinks i'm just as pretty without make up on, one who is constantly reminding me of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have me.. The one who turns to his friends and says "that's my girl"

I'm hoping that the love we shared for one year is still as strong as today as it was and bring us much joy, love and happiness to celebrate again ..

No one else would understand our relationship and no one else in this world would understand me the way you do.

Nothing in this world could ever be as wonderful as the love you've given me. Your love makes my days very bright. Just knowing you are my darling.

With stars in your eyes and the moon up above, remember the magic of falling in love, that glorious day when we both said "I do" and the showers of wishes from others, for you. Now the years come and go and you've watched our love grow. Bringing more joy than you thought you could know, so give thanks to the moon and the stars up above and to Allah for blessing our love.

1st of April, it was an aprilfoool day but my love towards you are true. 

Terima kasih sayang for everything that we've been through together ; joy & sad. I love you no matter what & always do :) Take care of yourself for those upcoming days, your days without me beside you because i am leaving you for awhile .. I hope we both can survive, trust is the most and only important thing for our love. and PLEASE, be honest in every single thing. Happy 1 year anniversary my darling <3

I believe that true love story, never have endings :)

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