Mencintai dan dicintai ..

I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything that i have done. I know that it is all my fault. My bad. But, i promise i will never let the same things happen again. I'm sorry for hurting you for so many times. I know its hurt; but trust me honey, i didn't mean it. I thought that you know me, understand me but instead of that, you think negative about me. I know sometimes i'm quite harsh towards you but i really didn't mean it. You know my attitude, my style. This is me. I don't really speak politely but.. it doesn't mean that i'd never speak politely.So please, stop thinking negatively about me. I appreciate everything that you've done for us. Yes, for us. You are the guy and i'm your girl. You know whats right&wrong that you should do. Your job is to protect me besides loving me. You've to makesure that i keep safe&sound with your protection. Sorry for everything that i've done. The day you make mistakes, it is easy for me to forgive you but you have to understand that it is quite hard for me to easily forget everything. Once you lost my trust towards you, do you think it is easy for me to trust you back? I'm sorry for this. I've tried to recover everything back to normal but i still can't forget the thing. I hope you wont repeat the same mistake again. Give me some times to put the trust on you, like usual.Sorry my dear. But.. I still love you, always do .. Whatever happen, i will always be by your side. That's my promise.

Mungkin cara aku nampak kasar, tapi dalam hati tak sekejam itu. Aku sentiasa hargai kamu. Hati aku sedih. Hati aku menangis. Takda yang tau, sebab apa? Sebab fizikalnya aku kuat. Takpa, biarkan. biarkan mereka kata aku ego. Katanya, aku selalu saja sakitkan hati orang. Ok mungkin ada kebenarannya. Sebaknya rasa. Aku jadi diri aku pun salah, kalau berubah jadi orang lain, lagi lah salah.Hati aku keras macam batu pun aku tak menyusahkan orang. Aku dengan cara hidup aku. Cakap lah macam mana pon, aku tetap aku. Tetap dengan pendirian aku. Takkan ada yang boleh mengubah selain yang Maha Berkuasa. Aku cuba untuk jadi yang terbaik. Tapi takda yang nampak. And untuk kamu, berhentilah fikir yang bukan-bukan. Janganlah terlaly merendah diri. Biar status macam mana pon, kita tetap sama. Tiada beza. Ok? Kamu buat diri kamu sendiri yang terluka.

"You can't describe the meaning of love. The answer lies within your heart"

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